Testimonials - Our friends say...

Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are." So we want to give some of our friends the opportunity to tell. The known and the less known. Associated with urban or techno, trance, or hardcore. But this they share: they bought their equipment to their fullest satisfaction at with ToneControl. Will you too?



Bought: Eve Audio TS112Universal Audio Apollo X6

They are the experts when it comes to support and advice regarding products for our studio.

We have been visiting ToneControl for a while now. They are the experts when it comes to support and advice regarding products for our studio. We are very happy that they give us the opportunity to test products before they are released. This allows us to let them know what are the cool features of the devices and we also have earlier access to some products - and innovation is important as a producer. Together with ToneControl, we have improved the acoustics of our studio drastically. This makes us very happy, because with their tips/advice in combination with our vision, we have been able to achieve optimal results. We would also like to work with ToneControl to invest in the youth. By giving workshops in the future and creating other cool events, we hope we can help "the future". It's very awesome that they are open to this and of course we are looking forward to start this process.